PoliticsNY is New York’s leading news source on local politics, government, policy and the courts. We are one of the most influential voices of its kind reaching elected officials, those in the halls of government and the general public passionate about politics.
Our website is updated constantly with unique original news content and our daily morning email newsletter, Political Edge, is a must read. PoliticsNY also is published in print throughout New York City in amNY Metro and other leading community news outlets. Our monthly supplement in amNY Metro features industry-specific content including Power Lists of the movers & shakers who help shape the State of New York.
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PoliticsNY is a hyper-local daily news site covering the elected officials, and government that serves New York. It is owned and operated by Schneps Media, a vast local publishing network of print and digital news and niche sites, lifestyle magazines, podcasts, events, and webinars. Connecting businesses and brands with audiences throughout New York City, Westchester, Long Island, and Philadelphia, Schneps reaches more people in more ways than anyone in the region.
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